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Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Joys of... Waiting

In case you didn't already know, there are few things in life that I'm personally worse at than waiting....Also if you've ever bought a house, you should be well aware that the process is about nothing but.

As the the latest project is snailing towards its intended closing date I can attest that all the stars that need to be aligned can and will provide many an opportunity to go slightly off kilter, and more than likely will put a monkey wrench in your plans.

Appraisals, approvals, crafting your budget, scheduling your contractors, coordinating start times, insurances, all make for a huge 7-ring circus that is not for the faint of heart but alas- there is light at the end of the tunnel;

Despite getting off to a rocky start with the sellers agent (who through some underhanded trickery caused us to temporarely not be under contract on the house, and also get the doors stolen off the freaking property!!!) it now turns out that they themselves are holding up the process- due to unpaid grass liens.... I mean, could things get any more lame than that???

The good news is that we DID get the appraisals back today and based on it could actually qualify for WAAY more moeny on the construction end of it (45M more to be exact), and as an investment choice it is turning out to be a stellar choice, a fact that is making Henry a very happy camper indeed.

In case anybody is interested in seeing the lovely project in its infancy, you can look it up on Google Maps at 2026-28 Peniston st.

And, Yes, I realize we are about to own one house on "GeniTalia" and one on Peniston.

1 comment:

  1. Hehe. Next is Conti. Looking forward to your next entry. H
